Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League

Thank you for helping with the team Agri Fund

The Melville Millionaires Agri-Fund project was seeded today. It was an early start as sponsors and farming partners came together to get the crop in the ground. Daniel Hope and Renee Waldbauer of Richardson Pioneer provided the fertilizer. Our former Captain still helping towards success for the team. Shawn and Jocelyn Pryhitka kindly treated and provided the wheat seed and also one of three tandem transports. Our seed was treated by a donation from Bayer Crop Science. The other two tandems were provided by Justin and Jessica Buckle and Darryl Halyk with Neil Ludwar who also helped to haul the fertilizer and seed. Erv Hahn kindly volunteered to do the seeding with his tractor and air seeder. Our Co op fuel partners making sure he never had to stop once.

After a morning rain scare, the team worked to keep Erv loaded and putting the crop in the ground which was finished all in one day. The Melville Millionaires would like to extend their thanks to today’s volunteers and sponsors together with those previously mentioned who helped get the field ready for today‘s success.